13 Dec 2011

Yes, I am a big girl … or possibly a Gigantor …

From the outset let me state that my forefathers and foremothers were not small folk. We are tall, have shoulders, breasts, a waist, hips, thighs, long legs and big feet.
In South Africa, I was a slightly tall woman, but there were many other women my size, and bigger.
According to my host country, however, I fall in the category of gigante.
It is not so bad that people point and stare, possibly because the husband is taller and bigger and he can apparently hit quite hard, but it has happened to me a number of times when I am on the metro, or anywhere where I sit, that when I stand up, that the Spanish folk step back.  I wonder (In Afrikaans of course) what the Spaniards are thinking ... that I will step on them because they are so small? That my size is contagious?
For the reader who does not know this, the Spanish women (and men) generally are not very tall, and the women are super skinny, their thighs are the width of my hand. There are not many countries that they make skinny jeans for men. If I wanted to, I could probably snap them with my one finger.
Now, normally this would not bother me at all, but with the change of seasons I have now spotted a problem: buying shoes.
Every shop I go into I have to ask if they stock my size. I had one shop assistant laugh at me (I nearly stepped on her … the little freak). The other shop assistant gaped at me with her mouth open in horror, shaking her head. I stepped on that little freak, sorry, she was so bloody tiny what is a big girl like me to do? I have no fear facing her loved ones, they will be so small, that once I stoop down to their level they will run away screaming and go hide in the hills …that’s what they do with giants.
I have, in addition hereto, established that Madrid appears to cater for all shapes and sizes, and there are shops that cater for cross dressing men, in that they can wear woman shoes. Out of sheer desperation I visited this store with a friend, and unfortunately have to report that I was not trying to buy glitterati high heeled shoes, which come in red, yellow, pink, blue and leopard print, all in one shoe. Nor were the white thigh high patent leather boots exactly up my alley.
As such, the search continues, since all shapes and sizes clearly does not mean shoes in my size. If there are any other gigantors out there with big feet, let me know where you secretly shop in Madrid, please, otherwise the small town folk shall continue to suffer.


  1. lol! ek het nou lekker gelag.. sjoe ek sal swaarkry daar.. Hier in SA sukkel ek om skirts en broeke te kry wat lank genoeg is :-D Good luck met die shopping!! laat ons weet as ons iets moet pos hehehe

  2. Hee-hee dit was nou snaaks gewees.
    Ek moet bieg daar is Spanjaarde wat langer en grooter as ek is, maar daar is nie baie van hulle nie. Gelukkig het Spanje ´n goeie basketball span, so tussen die Amerikaanse winkels kon ek nou al broeke, boots en een hemp kry. XXXL lyk my is my nuwe size!
